Wreck removal MSC Napoli
GRM was awarded the removal of the 5000mt stern section of the MSC Napoli. DISA international was subcontracted for the removal operations and tasked for the general project management, installation of 12 x 3" chains and all subsea work. Along with LEDI Subsea Drilling BV the installation of 12 x 3” Chains underneath the stern section of the sunken vessel MV Napoli were established in a record time of only 12 days. LEDI Subsea Drilling BV engineers developed and equipped the subsea HDD drilling with a state of the art subsea positioning system and drill head locator. All chains were successfully installed and with the requested schedule. With the design and fabrication of state of the art automated chainpullers, the Napoli was successfully lifted from the seabed and sectioned in situ. The complete removal operation inclusive of the disposal was preformed safely, environmentally-friendly and on time.