DISA's Rijnlandroute scope of work successfully completed in July 2019
The RijnlandRoute is a new road connection from Katwijk, via the A44, to the A4 at Leiden. The road will solve its current traffic jams due to the bottleneck and will improve the traffic flow in the Holland Rijnland region, mainly around Leiden and Katwijk. Comol5, contracted by the Province of South Holland, is responsible for the conversion of the Leiden West junction, the construction of the new N434 inclusive of the bored tunnel and the modifications to the A4 and A44. Comol5 will also be responsible for the 15-year maintenance of the N434.
READ MORE ON https://www.comol5.nl/
DISA International has been awarded the subsea scope of the building pit construction, the installation of all the concrete flooring and all relevant and associated tasks. The volume of the concrete pouring’s had a total of 11.900 m³ and have been safely performed and successfully completed.
The aerial pictures were provided by Terra Drone.